NINE ELMS ENGINEMEN TRIBUTE - Locomotive headboard dedication
This section is now in two parts - this page is in alphabetical order A - K.
Click here - Nine Elms enginemen with names L - Y.
Welcome to the 'Enginemen' section of our Nine Elms web site. Before you continue viewing some of the many faces of Enginemen who worked at the depot let me explain the background to the various characters that you are about to meet. These are but just some of hundreds and hundreds of the footplate crews that were historically associated with working on steam locomotive hauled trains from both Waterloo and Nine Elms Goods Yard to numerous destinations in the South West of England between 1838 and 1967.
The wonderful arch to be seen at Waterloo station bearing the stain glass Coat of Arms of the 'London & South Western Railway' is surrounded by the names of the counties that the company served. Those lines in many of these counties were part of the extensive route miles over which Nine Elms Enginemen had an intimate working knowledge over many years.
Unusually 'Engineman' was a term almost specifically used by the Southern Railway that was formed in 1923 when the 'big' four railway companies were created following the nationalisation of numerous private railway companies after the First World War.
So in conclusion look carefully my friends at the faces of these 'Enginemen', for they are the very last of a footplate profession dating back to the year 1838.
James (Jim) Lester - 70A Engineman
Who are they?
Here is a photo © Richard Weisham via Ian Simpson. It shows Inspector Tim Crowley standing beside 73043 at Waterloo.
Thanks to our website watchers the driver is identified as Dave Davis and fireman Dave Snelling.

Here is a photo © Peter Martin. Does anyone recognise the fireman on the tender of 35030, seen here at Weymouth, just before departure with the final 14.07 to Waterloo on 9th July 1967?
Mel Cox has emailed that the Fireman is Lennie Groves of Weymouth. He and his Driver got relief at Bournemouth by Driver Ray Hardy and Fireman Frank Smith. Sadly Lennie is no longer with us, having passed away many years ago.

Here is a photo © Mike Esau. Does anyone recognise the driver operating the water column control? (Peter Smerdon is on the tender).
Please email any suggestions to

Here is a photo © Bryan Benn of 34104. Any suggestions who the fireman is in the photo?
Please email any suggestions to
Glynn Thompson says via the Nine Elms Facebook page that the fireman was Peter Palmer on loan from Workington MPD

Here are some photos and notes describing Nine Elms enginemen:
This section is now in two parts - this page is in alphabetical order A - K.
Click here - Nine Elms enginemen with names L - Y.

Driver George Adams at Southampton Central with the 11.09 Bournemouth to Waterloo, 9th January 1966.
(Photo copyright Bob Grainger)

Fireman Paul Anderson on board Britannia 70002 'Geoffrey Chaucer' at Waterloo with a troop train for Southampton Docks.
(Photo copyright Ray McQuade)

Driver Bill Anderson at Brockenhurst with the 08.35 Waterloo to Weymouth, 27th February 1967.
(Photo copyright Bob Grainger)

Driver Brian Aynsley left, on a 73xxx Standard Class 5, right seen oiling 34005 "Barnstaple". Photos taken in 1965 by Jim 'Freddie' Cameron from Workington, on loan to Nine Elms.
(Photos Brian Aynsley collection)

Fireman John Barnes
(Photo Jim Lester collection)

Nine Elms Fireman Phil Bassett on board 41319 in North Sidings, Waterloo
(Photo copyright Phil Bassett)

Robin Bell
(Photo M. Dominey)

Driver Ron Bennett (right) on board 35001 'Channel Packet' with fireman Mick Evans (left) in 1961. (Photo Ron Bennett)

A recent photo of Nine Elms driver Jack Blanchard.
(Photo by Noel Hutchinson via Jim Rowe)

Whilst waiting for the 'Right-Away' at Bournemouth Central George Bowen gives the hint of a smile in this shot of Class 'West Country' No. 34008 'Padstow'. (Photo J. C. Lester)

Maurice Boyce shares a joke with Alf Hurley whilst waiting for the 'Right Away' at Woking on Class 'West Country' No. 34091 'Weymouth'. (Photo J. C. Lester)

Nine Elms driver Sidney Bracher on board 34087 '145 Squadron' at Waterloo Platform 11 in 1959.
(Photo Bernie Tipping collection)

The late Robin Brown on MN No. 35029 'Ellerman Lines' seen here at Bournemouth Central. Nowadays, the locomotive can be seen in the National Railway Museum at York although now sectionalised for educational purposes.
(Photo J.C.Lester collection)

Fireman Dave Bryce on S15 30839 at Nine Elms Junction
(Photo Copyright Mike Lamport)

Nine Elms driver Dickey Bud.
(Photo Tom Coles collection)

Nine Elms fireman Pat Burgess.
(Photo Tom Coles collection)

Fred Burridge (left) and Alan Sanson pose with Class 'H' No. 31326 whilst on trial in this busy scene at Waterloo, seen here alongside Class WC No. 34028 'Eddystone' on the 'Belle' in the late 1950's. (Photo copyright Bernie Tipping)

Nine Elms fireman Len Butler on board West Country Pacific 34034 'Honiton'
(Photo Oliver Butler collection)

Nine Elms fireman Jonny Freddie Cameron.
(Photo Glynn Thompson)

Class MN, 4-6-2, No. 35001 'Channel Packet' heads the all Pullman coach Up 'Bournemouth Belle' in Bournemouth West station with Arthur Camp at the regulator and behind Arthur is fireman B.A.G. West. (Photo M. Blackbourn)

John Cant Nine Elms fireman, here at Tattenham Corner in 1960
(Photo John Cant collection)

Nine Elms fireman Roger Caple and his driver Ted Crunden stand alongside WC No. 34047
'Callington' in 1959.
(Photo Roger Caple collection via Jim Lester)

Fireman Roger Carrell (with untrustworthy Lambretta!) about to leave for work at Old Basing Village circa 1964, and (right) August Bank Holiday on the Bluebell in 2000, after thirty-five years away from the job.
('Lambretta' photograph copyright Roger Carrell. 'Bluebell' photograph copyright the late David Beckwith)

Fireman Frank Chippendale. Frank was a fireman in the latter days of Nine Elms on loan from the Midland Region. His regular mate was Clive Groome.
(Photo with permission of the Jubliee 45699 'Galatea' locomotive support crew via Pete Roberts)

Driver 'Punch' Clark seen sitting in the fireman's seat of MN 35019
(Photo Malcolm Stevenson collection)

Fireman Don Clark is seen here wearing his BR grease top hat and green Southern Region hat badge. Don Clark was a Nine Elms fireman, a real concientious young gentleman for those days. He progressed on to become a driver and has been involved with driving main line steam in recent years - writes Ted Dente.
(Photo Don Clark collection via Ted Dente)

Driver Gordon Clarke who started at Nine Elms in 1942. Shown here with 34027 at Bishops Lideard (West Somerset Railway) in more recent times.
(Photo Len Clarke collection)

Len Clarke as a Nine Elms fireman in 1956
(Photo copyright Len Clarke)

Nine Elms driver Russell Coffin
(Photo Russell Coffin collection)

Nine Elms driver Tom Coles (left) with fireman Barry Drage (right)
(Photo Tom Coles collection)

Nine Elms fireman Alan Cook (standing right) with driver John Pilcher (at window on left) on board 73043 at Waterloo, on a Portsmouth line railtour 31st December 1966.
(Photo George Woods collection with permission)

Nine Elms driver Ken Coppard seen in this photo taken in later years.
(Photo by Alan Cook with permission via Alan Newman)

Jim Corbett with 31858 at Nine Elms. (Copyright Mike Roberts)

In the upper picture Nine Elms driver William 'Bill' Cornish is on board 0-6-0 0395 class 30570. Bill Cornish was based at Nine Elms from the 1940's to 1964 when he retired after 49 years of Railway Service.
During the late 1950's and early 1960's he drove the Royal Train. The lower photo shows Bill on the right with fireman J.G.'Jim' Twyman beside rebuilt Pacific 34089 '602 Squadron' heading the Royal Train to Southampton New Docks on 5th August 1961.
(Photos Jean Davis collection with permission)

Bert Fordery and Colin Cottey on board 34034 at Southampton Central.
(Photo Colin Cottey collection)

Tim Crowley (left) near his St Johns Wood flat in 1954 with his trusty transport to Nine Elms. Tim tells us that his bike made many footplate and tender trips between Nine Elms and Waterloo, only to be deposited behind the shunters cabin adjacent to No 1 and 2 docks.
Lower photo on board 35008 at Weymouth.
(Photo copyright Tim Crowley 2008)

Inspector Tim Crowley standing beside 73043 at Waterloo possibly after working an Up Ocean Liner train from Southampton. Photo copyright Richard Weisham via Ian Simpson. Driver Dave Davis and fireman Dave Snelling are on board 73043.

Driver Ted Crunden stand alongside WC No. 34047
'Callington' in 1959.
(Photo Roger Caple collection via Jim Lester)

Driver Syd Cull in photo from Deborah Pitman collection . Sadly passed away April 2009.

Driver Les Cummings came to Nine Elms from Eastleigh in the early sixties to get his promotion to Driver and was affectionally known as the driver with the rubber pencil!. He is wearing a cloth cap, many footplate crew preferred this head dress. Unfortunatly, Les died at an early age in 1999 - writes Ted Dente.
(Photo Don Clark collection via Ted Dente)

Dave Davis in charge of "double 0 seven" at Nine Elms on a dull overcast afternoon, 15th October 1966. Sadly passed away September 2007.
(Photo D. Davis collection)

David (Dave) Davis (known as D.D.Davis) back on the footplate again when steam returned.
Always knowledgeable about locomotives and Nine Elms days, he would
have been so proud to be associated with the 70A web site such was his
enthusiasm to record details of those times. Sadley passed away April 2005. (Photo J.C.Lester collection)
FINAL FAREWELL - An interesting story concerning the late David Duncan Davis of Nine Elms depot recounted by Peter Roberts who regularly drives steam specials and charter trains in the South of England.
Three weeks earlier to the following event I was asked if I would put the ashes of an old railwayman in the firebox of our locomotive at a specified place as requested by the relatives of the deceased. This wasn't an unusual request at all and of course I agreed. So, on the day in question Black '5', 4-6-0, No. 45231 ran into Salisbury on time and I duly relieved my colleague who had brought the train from Bristol. While the loco support crew were taking water from a bowser and were pushing some coal forward the ashes of the deceased was given to me with the request to sound the whistle and put them in the firebox London side of Esher station.
We left on time and my fireman, Geoff Bailey of the Mid Hants, performed well so all went according to plan. After passing Esher on the up slow and under caution we came to the designated spot so Geoff put the ashes in the firebox and I blew a lament on the whistle. Below an over-bridge there was a large waving crowd. We felt that we had done what was required and with as much dignity as possible, so onwards to Waterloo. On arrival there was the normal large crowd gathered around the engine when a young lady came up to the cab with tears in her eyes and said "Thank you very, very much for giving my grandfather a good send off, it's what he wanted", both Geoff and I felt very humble and pleased to have been of service. Soon the crowd dispersed and a South West train came into the opposite platform, the driver got out and it happened to Bob Parker (ex-Nine Elms fireman), who came over for a chat. In the course of the conversation he informed me that Dave Davis had died and that he was going to have his ashes put in the firebox of a steam engine. You can imagine my surprise because I'm sure that those ashes were those of our old colleague D. D. (Blondie) Davis.

Fred Davis who worked at Nine Elms and Wimbledon Park in the 1950's-70's.
(Photo Les Hoath collection)

Nine Elms driver Jim Dawson on board 57XX class 0-6-0PT 9770 in Waterloo Dock.
(Photo copyright Bob Payne)

Driver Arthur Dent of Nine Elms (photo copyright Bob Payne).

Driver Ted Dente at Winchester on board 35028, 4th July 1967 (photo copyright Dave Sprackland).

Tony Domm Nine Elms engineman.
(Photo Les Hoath collection)

Alan Domm Nine Elms engineman.
(Photo Les Hoath collection)

On the right is driver Ernie Doust with on the left Alan Newman and centre Bert Hooker, photographed at Bressingham. (Photo copyright Alan Newman)
Fireman Barry Drage - click here for photograph

Nine Elms Driver Bill Ellery on the right and Fireman Ken Julian on the left pictured in 1958. (Photo via Les Hoath)

Driver George Enticknap photographed on board 34002 'Salisbury'. Alan Newman was his regular fireman from April to October 1964. (Image reproduced with permission from original photo copyright Dave Marks via Alan Newman)

Photo on right shows Driver Jim Evans (left) with fireman Brian Masters on board 35007, at Southampton Central with the 0830 Waterloo to Weymouth, 17th June 1967 (photo copyright Dave Sprackland).
Lower left photo is of Jim, 8th May 1967 on 34052 with 1709 Waterloo to Basingstoke. (Photo Don Benn collection)
Fireman Mick Evans - click here for photograph

Nine Elms passed fireman Ron Feltham is seen here in the Bournemouth mess room in 1990. (Photo from Dave Dixon, Bournemouth)

Bert Fordery on the footplate of Standard Class '5',
4-6-0, No. 73082 'Camelot'. (Photo Daily Mirror)
Lower right photo shows Bert on 80145 at Clapham Junction (Central side) with the "Kenny Belle".
(Photo Jim Rowe collection)

Driver Leonard Frederick Gaff (1885 - 1960) beside M7 320 at Waterloo. His Grandson, David, tells us that his Grandfather worked out of Nine Elms. He was allocated his own loco at some stage which was an Arthur number 750 'Morgan le Fey' and he also worked on the Windsor line for a time which would possibly explain the photo. In the early 1930's they moved to Testard Road, Guildford, which is just above Guildford loco shed, ending his career as a motorman driving electrics. He retired sometime in the early 50's.
(Photo David Gaff Collection)

John Gaffney photographed in 1967. (Photo from Gaffney family collection via Alan Newman)

Here is John Gaffney on board 35003 at Nine Elms in 1967. (Photo © Tony Leaver
via Alan Newman)

Peter Gammon pictured sometime in 1988.
(Photo Garry Arthur collection via Alan Newman)

Driver 'Conker' Gee Nine Elms driver
(Photo John Cant collection)

Nine Elms driver Charlie 'Happy' Gordon pictured on board 34090
(Photo Nigel Webber collection)

Nine Elms fireman Eric Gosney, later of Woking and Farnham depots.
(Photo Alison Hinton collection)

Fireman Vic Gotland at New Romney beside an engine of the RHDR which was a passion of his circa 1965.
(Photo Robin Bell collection)
Fireman Colin Gray - click here for photograph

Les Greer on the footplate of West Country 34001 'Exeter'
at Winchester, 13 April 1967.
(Photo Les Greer)

Fireman Alan Grimsey (left) with fireman Charlie Philpot
(Photo Ken Julian collection via Les Hoath)

Clive Groome (right) is seen here with Fireman Robbie Lee at Waterloo with the 0720 train to Salisbury (photo Robbie Lee collection). In the lower photo, Clive is seen at the Bluebell Railway in 2007 (photo copyright John McIvor).

Fireman Derek 'Hori' Hall - cleaner then fireman at Nine Elms for approximately three years from 1959-62.
(Photo copyright Derek Hall)

Driver Ron Hambling at Southampton Central with the 11.30 Waterloo to Bournmouth, 11th December 1966.
(Photo copyright Bob Grainger)

Fireman Colin Harmes. 2016 photo at Ropley, Mid Hants Railway.
(Photo copyright John McIvor)

Driver Bill Harrington photographed at Waterloo.
(Photo Tim Crowley collection)

Ernie Harvey here at Bournemouth West in charge of Class 'West Country' No. 34026 'Yes Tor'. (Photo J. C. Lester)

Fireman Joe Hearn. He was one of George Holloway's fireman and during his National Service in 1950/51 was on the same troopship as Frank Holloway being posted to Egypt. (Photo Barry Brett collection).

Driver Reuben Hendicott (left) with Fireman Les Greer at Southampton with West Country 34034 'Honiton' on 25th March 1967. (Photo Les Greer collection), and in lower picture with Fireman Ray McQuade on 34087 at Southampton Central, 29th June 1967 (photo copyright Dave Sprackland).

Driver Gordon Hoad (left) in charge of the original 35021 'New Zealand Line' with his fireman Peter Staniford.
(Photo Gordon Hoad's collection via Paul Edwards).

Fireman Les Hoath alongside 35030 at Templecombe on 16th February 1964 'Quantock Flyer' special train. (Photo Les Hoath collection).

Driver George Holloway (left) with fireman Colin Gray at Winchfield on board 35023, 11th June 1967 (photo copyright Dave Sprackland).

Bert Hooker is seen here in the familiar driving cab of Battle of Britain No. 34060 '25 Squadron'. Years earlier both he and Driver Jack Swain had performed epically in the Exchange Trials of 1947 on original Bulleid locomotives. (Photo B. Wright). In the lower photo, Bert is seen at Salisbury with 35023 on a West of England railtour, with Tony Leaver looking on, 15th October 1966 (photo copyright Dave Sprackland).

Driver Gordon Hooper (left) and Driver Reuben Hendicott on board MN 35007 'Aberdeen Commonwealth' heading the 16.35 Waterloo to Weymouth, 19th April 1967. (Photo copyright Ray McQuade)

Gordon Hooper seen here at Southampton Central 8th April 1966. Photo copyright John Tiley, thanks to Don Benn.

Fireman Vernon Howard on the Bluebell Railway, 2016. Vernon was at Nine Elms from 1955 until the early 1960's when he transferred to Basingstoke. (Photo copyright John McIvor)

Driver Billy Hughes (left) with Alan Newman at Winchester, on 08.30 Waterloo to Weymouth, 8th July 1967.
(Photo copyright Les Kent, Alan Newman collection)
Fireman Bill Hughes in 1950 - click here for photograph

Nine Elms Driver John W. Hunt (father of Morris Hunt) born 1884, commenced work on the L&SWR at Nine Elms in 1900.
After electrification of both the Reading and Portsmouth lines he transferred to Waterloo in 1936 until 1949. Sadly passed away 1950.

Nine Elms fireman Morris Hunt.
(Photo Tom Coles collection)

Alf Hurley tops up the big-end of Class 'West Country' No. 34048 'Crediton' in Bournemouth Central loco in readiness for the return working to Waterloo. (Photo J. C. Lester)

Driver Bill Hutchinson leaving Waterloo in 1965. (Photo Alf Trapnell collection)

Driver Bob Jackson at Waterloo with 17.30 to Bournemouth, 14th May 1966.
(Photo copyright Bob Grainger).
Lower picture Bob Jackson is seen with Tom Moult (right) (Photo copyright Derek Tuck)

Nine Elms Fireman Ken Julian on the left and Driver Bill Ellery on the right pictured in 1958. (Photo via Les Hoath)
Driver, Motive Power Foreman, and Inspector Arthur Jupp - click here for photograph

Driver Arthur Kelly and Fireman Bill Parker are seen here on the footplate of WC No. 34041 'Wilton'. (Photo J. C. Lester collection)

Driver Bill Kiff at Southampton Central on 11th September 1965 (photo copyright Dave Sprackland).

Driver Arthur 'Spot' King seated at the driver's window of Merchant Navy 35005 'Canadian Pacific' with former driver, Motive Power Foreman and Inspector Arthur Jupp (standing) are seen here at Swindon prior to working an SLS special into Paddington, July 1965.
(Photo copyright Alan Newman)

Reg Knight on board 34066. (Photo copyright Alan Newman)