Photographs with a questionCharles 'Happy' Gordon's grandson has sent us this photo of 'Happy' Gordon on board 35014 in about 1960. Who is his fireman (standing) in this picture?Jim Lester told us that 'Happy's regular top link fireman, Jack Cambridge, was fatally injured in an incident whilst they were running fast through Eastleigh heading the down 'Royal Wessex'.
Alistair Walton has emailed: A friend of mine found the original of this photo in a jumble sale some 40 years ago, but there is no information written on the back, and he would be interested to know a little more. I know it’s Blue Funnel taken at Waterloo on a Bournemouth train, and the Nine Elms shedplate would put the date between 17 April 1967 and its withdrawal in July. It would be nice to know the identity of the fellow in the overalls to complete the picture. Thanks and regards, Alistair. The man in the photo is Nine Elms fireman Nigel Vidaurri.
Graham Blackmore has written: From my train spotting days with a Box Brownie camera, I have photo of two engine men (probably Nine Elms) taken at Poole in Late summer 1959. The train was a late Sunday afternoon Weymouth to Waterloo (possibly 6.15 ex Weymouth). I have included the running in shot but I’d be interested to know who they are. Can you help? Please email if you can help. ![]()
Both photographs copyright Graham Blackmore.
Brian Aynsley asks: The attached picture was taken at Basingstoke on the last Friday evening of steam operation in 1967. It shows Brian Aynsley. Phil Bassett and Freddie Thompson on 35008. It appeared in Brian's 1980 book, "Nothing like steam". Strangely, he does not seem to have an original copy of the photo or details of who took it. Does anyone have an original or better copy of the photo, as Brian would like a copy for his personal records? Please email if you can help. ![]()
Jim Lester asks: During the flooding that took place in 1947 this photo shows how bad it was! The condition of the track ahead could not be seen by the crews but then this was different day and age for sure! Have guess just where it is all that time ago, the engine head-code might give you a clue? This photo seems to have defeated our Nine Elms friends - it was showing the flood at Wraysbury on the Windsor & Eton Riverside branch from Staines. Please email ![]() Photo copyright Frances Francis, J.C.Lester collection
Paul Cooper has asked if anyone can identify the enginemen here: Please email ![]() Photo 7 - This is 82029 at Salisbury on the 07.18 Waterloo-Salisbury on 8th July ’67. Almost certainly a Nine Elms engineman. Interesting story, this service was normally rostered for a Standard Class 5 but a Standard 4 was put on the train at Waterloo. The crew failed the 4 and then this Standard 3 put on. It had to take water at Woking and Basingstoke and left at least half an hour late. Photo copyright Paul Cooper - cropped from original Alan Newman confirms this is fireman Jim Martin of Nine Elms.
![]() Photo 1 - On 34015 so probably mid-1966 and probably Salisbury. Photo copyright Paul Cooper - cropped from original Alan Newman says it is Jack Terry of Salisbury.
![]() Photo 2 - On 60024 during special to Exeter 27th March 1966 at Yeovil Junction. Photo copyright Paul Cooper - cropped from original This man is Driver Hackett (depot unknown yet). Nine Elms driver Gordon Porter worked the train from London.
![]() Photo 3 - A4 4498 at Bournemouth probably 4th June 1967. Photo copyright Paul Cooper - cropped from original Mel Cox says this is W.J.'Johnnie' Walker of Bournemouth. It's not known if he worked the special train.
![]() Photo 4 -35022 Salisbury probably on 12th September 1965 (Exeter Flyer). Photo copyright Paul Cooper - cropped from original Alan Newman says "I thought the chap on the Left may be George Holloway, but I never seen him with dirty overalls?"
![]() Photo 6 -35022 probably on one of the two tours of 28th February or 7th March 1965 (East Devon Railtour). Photo copyright Paul Cooper - cropped from original
Don Benn has emailed this photo asking: I need to identify the fireman in this shot of 34009 on the 930 am down at Woking on 30.03.1964. Cropped photo copyright Don Benn. Thanks to Alan Newman, Ron Petrie and others, they confirm the fireman is Les Hoath of Nine Elms ![]() Mike Frankiewicz emailed this photo saying that " ...we recently came across a photo of our soon to be out shopped Q Class 30541 taken in a rather large yard in the early 1960s. Do any of your enginemen recognise the location? (Photographer Unknown). Mike Frankiewicz, Company Sec and Archivist, Maunsell Locomotive Society
Colin Saunders says:
Jim Lester emailed this photo saying it was sent to him recently. He went there a couple of times as a young fireman. What's the location?
Jim Lester explains in more detail: The photo is actually taken from the end of the 'Race Day' platform on the 'Up Local' looking towards Esher. The signal in the foreground looks like a post but actually if you look closely has a slotted arm in the post that was then connected and brought into use on these race days. Race trains returning to London in the evening would, possibly starting from Walton (Oatlands) carriage sidings, proceed under 'Permissive Block' regulations toward Esher and queue to enter the 'Race Day' platform. This signal when in use provided the protection for trains coming in off of the 'Through' line and acted as the 'Race Day' platform starter. Hersham didn't exist in those days and there must have been a cross-over onto the 'Through' at the end of Walton's 'Up Local' platform in those days so that stopping trains could pass the queuing 'Race Day' trains! In addition there were two other platforms inside all with a subway connection direct to the 'Sandown Race Course'.
Bob Hind has sent in this photo taken, he thinks, at least twelve years ago at the Woking Railway Club. Photographer/copyright unknown. The comment on the photo 'About 1650 years of service' describes this gathering of ex-Nine Elms, Woking and Farnham railwaymen.
Quiz photoAlan Newman has kindly sent this photograph with a new comment:Contrary to my earlier note, neither Richard Hardy nor Fred Pankhurst appear in the photo, so none of the men featured have been identified so far. The picture was taken in 1953 with the title "Tour of Nine Elms." The Locomotive is N15 class 30803 Harry Le Fise Lake. We don't know the photographer/copyright, but if you know any names, please email the Shedmaster.
Nine Elms tribute
![]() David Shepherd print spotted on Godalming booking hall wall above the ticket office window this week. Nice tribute to Nine Elms! - Shedmaster Nine Elms Train Spotters
![]() This sign was at the entrance to Nine Elms depot. This photo is reproduced here with the kind permission of the National Railway Museum. NRM website: |
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